Dr. Abreu, María Gabriela
Specialist in Allergology
These occur when the patient experiences an unexpected reaction after taking a drug.
In these cases, the differentiation between an allergic reaction and a side effect of the drug in question is essential, side effects are the possible adverse reactions that may result from the drug or the toxicity that may be caused by drug overdose.
Most drug allergies are mild, causing symptoms even a week after taking the drug, however there are some serious allergic reactions which may be life threatening.
Whenever an allergy is suspected, it is important to consult your specialist to determine whether you have an allergy and if so which drug has caused the reaction.
The symptoms are similar to those produced by food:
Cutaneous: skin rashes, swelling of the tongue, lips and/or eyelids… In the case of medicines, they can also produce potentially serious delayed reactions, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, DRESS syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, etc.
Gastrointestinal: diarrhoea, vomiting, colicky abdominal pain…
Respiratory: sneezing, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, throat tightening…
Anaphylaxis: in the most severe cases, a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction can occur, involving several systems of our body, requiring urgent and immediate drug administration
The drugs most frequently involved in allergic reactions are: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antibiotics (penicillins), radiological contrast agents, chemotherapy agents etc. .
Prick test e Intradermorreacción: using the drugs implicated in the reaction, however they are not yet available for all existing drugs.
Patch tests:in cases of delayed reactions to certain drugs.
Molecular diagnosis: using the extraction of a small blood sample
Challenge test: in cases of possible minor reactions or to try treatment alternatives.
If an allergy is confirmed or when the risk/benefit balance is low, indications are given for avoidance of the drug involved, as well as other possible structurally related drugs that could produce a cross-reactivity reaction.
Additionally, in cases where certain conditions are met and no effective treatment alternative exists, desensitisation can be performed against the drug in question. Desensitisation is a technique that allows the patient to temporarily tolerate the drug causing the allergy, in order to benefit from its use for as long as necessary.
The best possible therapeutic options, personalised treatment.
Latest technology in diagnostic and treatment.
Excellent personal care.
Dr. Abreu, María Gabriela
Specialist in Allergology
Dr. Albéndiz Gutiérrez, Vicente Javier
Specialist in Cervical Endocrine Surgery
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
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