
Pathology Unit

The Pathology offers diagnosis of structural changes of the tissues present in the biopsies, to the various alterations of tumor and non-tumor diseases.


Cytology, in turn, directs the diagnostic cell through analysis obtained through punctures or biological fluids.


The service includes:

▪ Conventional diagnosed Pathology

▪ Molecular Pathology

▪ Gynecologic Cytology

▪ Cytology of fluids

▪ FNA cytology (fine needle aspiration)

▪ Bag Pathology

▪ Immune histochemistry


▪ Cytogenetics


Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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