Dr. Fernández García Diego
Especialista en Endocrinología y Nutrición en HC Marbella
A laparoscopic gastric bypass is a bariatric surgery technique that links two mechanisms of action:
▪ Restriction: We reduce the capacity of the stomach so that the patient feels satisfied with smaller amounts of food.
▪ Malabsorption: By connecting the stomach directly to the intestine, not all the nutrients that are ingested are absorbed, which means fewer calories are absorbed.
▪ This is an effective weight loss mechanism over the long term. It brings the patient as close as possible to a normal weight, losing an average of 70% – 80% of excess weight.
It is recommended for adults who have repeatedly failed to lose weight with other non-surgical weight loss techniques.
Patients must have a BMI that is equal to or greater than 40; for patients that suffer from other obesity-related diseases, the BMI has to be equal to or greater than 35. In addition, these patients must commit to long-term follow up.
The main advantages of this bariatric surgical procedure:
▪ Initial weight loss is fast, and the loss will be maintained over the long term.
▪ It’s a laparoscopic procedure, which is a simple and safe technique that does not require incisions and reduces recovery time and complications.
▪ It is the best technique for patients with a BMI greater than 45 and who also have type 2 diabetes (adult-onset diabetes).
The disadvantages depend on the pre-treatment condition of the patient, although in general we can highlight the following:
▪ This technique may have a higher rate of complication than other bariatric surgery techniques (adjustable gastric band, gastric sleeve).
▪ The patient may need to take iron, calcium and vitamin supplements either temporarily or, in some cases, for life.
▪ Unlike the gastric band, it is not adjustable and it is very difficult to reverse.
▪ It can cause problems such as diarrhoea, intestinal blockages, and ulcers where the stomach joins the intestine.
Home » Specialties of HC Marbella » Aparato digestivo » Unidad de obesidad » Magenbypass
Dr. Fernández García Diego
Especialista en Endocrinología y Nutrición en HC Marbella
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Especialista en Endocrinología y Nutrición en HC Marbella
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Dr. Martínez Santos, Cristina
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Dr. Hijano Martel, Encarnación Almudena
Mental Health
Clinical Psychology
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