Cardiología Marbella
Cardiología Marbella

Cardiac Insufficiency Unit

The Cardiac Insufficiency Unit of HC Marbella International Hospital starts personalized follow-up programs for patients with heart insufficiency.


Coinciding with the publication of the latest update of the Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute and Chronic Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology in June 2016, we have initiated our Cardiac Insufficiency Unit, with treatments in the day care hospital of HC Marbella International Hospital. These treatments are the latest ones and they have been validated by the mentioned prestigious guides.


The unit is formed by the cardiology team, specialized nurses and with the collaboration of other departments whenever it is esteemed necessary.


The main objective of this unit is to provide personalized monitoring programs for patients with heart failure and with a high level of inpatient hospitalization. These programs enable the early detection of possible complications that may arise.


This Cardiac Insufficiency Unit of HC Marbella also offers information and solves doubts from patients and their family regarding this disease.


How do we work?

After an initial evaluation of the patient, we value his insertion into the Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit and the optimization of the medical treatment, with the possibility of implanting resynchronization devices with or without defibrillation therapy.


The Day Care Unit for Cardiac Insufficiency enables treatment on outpatient basis, where the patient comes to the hospital in the morning and is released in the afternoon. Further, it improves the quality of life and the functional capacity, and it reduces the necessity of prolonged hospital stays, which is very important for patients that are in an advanced stage of the disease.


Our Day Care Unit for Cardiac Insufficiency the following treatments can take place:


  • Intravenous diuretic treatment
  • Iron administration in case of feropenia with carboxymaltose iron (Ferinject®)
  • Treatment with intermittent doses of levosimendan in outpatient patients with advanced heart failure


Validated in LION-HEART trial, which included patients with advanced heart failure and ejection fraction of the left ventricle depressed were randomized to receive either levosimendan versus placebo, and showed a significant reduction in the concentration of NT-proBNP in patients receiving levosimendan, as well as a significantly fewer HF hospitalizations and a combination of all-cause hospitalizations / deaths (secondary end points).


Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799

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