Dr. Palomo Torrero, Daniel
Consultant UpperGi, HPB & Obesity Surgery
An approach to surgery via a minimal incision that leads to precise results.
Our surgeons have many years of experience with the most advanced techniques in minimally invasive surgical procedures. As a result, there is less tissue damage and scarring is reduced.
The benefits to the patient are evident: the post-operative phase is much less painful and recovery and mobilisation are faster.
Cirugía urgente y programada con técnicas laparoscópicas
▪ Surgery for gastroesophageal reflux disease.
▪ Gallstone surgery.
▪ Surgery for cancers of the abdomen: biliopancreatic tumours, colorectal cancer, liver metastases, adrenal cancer and spleen cancer.
▪ Surgery to repair abdominal hernias without tension.
▪ Preservative and immediate reconstructive surgery for breast cancer, done in the Breast Unit.
▪ Thyroid surgery.
▪ Surgery for morbid obesity, using restrictive and derivative techniques.
▪ Proctological surgery for haemorrhoids, fissures, fistulae, pilonidal cysts, incontinence, and rectal prolapse.
▪ Surgery for complications of digestive diseases, i.e. peptic ulcers, diverticulitis, inflammatory disease.
▪ Surgery for varicose veins and the management of lower limb ulcers.
▪ Surgery for chemotherapy reservoirs.
Home » Specialties of HC Marbella » Cirugía general y digestiva » Cirugía laparoscópica
Dr. Palomo Torrero, Daniel
Consultant UpperGi, HPB & Obesity Surgery
Dr. Martínez Santos, Cristina
Specialist in Cervical Endocrine Surgery
Dr. Antequera Pérez, Alfonso
Consultant UpperGi, HPB & Obesity Surgery
Dr. González Chamorro, Antonio
Specialist in General Surgery and digestive system
Dr. Molina Navarro, Carlos
Especialista en Cirugía General y Digestiva en HC Marbella
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy