Rid yourself of doubt! Anyone can have an STD without knowing it
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that can pass from one person to another through sexual activities and intimate physical contact.
It is not possible to know exactly its incidence, since there is a significant underdeclaration and underdiagnosis worldwide. Currently, STIs experience abrupt and sustained increases. For example, HIV infection, which currently has a pattern of sexual transmission and urban and coastal areas, has rates above the rest of Andalusia in Malaga. In 2018, Málaga is also among the provinces in Spain with the highest rates of syphilis, gonococcal infection and infection by Chalmydia Trachomatis along with Seville and Granada.
Any person who has sex is at risk of contracting them. It is estimated that half of sexually active people will contract an STI before the age of 25. However, some groups are considered risky:
- Thus in Andalusia the population most affected by age group are young men of 25 and 29 years old and women between 20-24 years.
- Other risk groups are gay men and sexually active bisexuals , men who have sex with other men (MSM).
- Patients with HIV infection.
- people who have previously suffered another STI.
STIs are spread through sexual contact with a person who has the disease. This sexual contact includes sexual relations at the genital, anal and oral levels, as well as genital skin-to-skin contact.
Unfortunately, most sexually transmitted diseases have no signs or symptoms, that is, no symptoms. People does not know this. So any person who has had or has sexual relations, could be infected.
Therefore, the suspicion of STIs should be activated by health personnel when young, sexually active people arrive at the consultation, recommending their early diagnosis.
Among the symptoms, they can manifest as genital warts, ulcers, and urethral discharge or vaginal exudation.
It is necessary to make a detailed history that includes a questionnaire about your sexual habits, a thorough physical examination and taking samples that include a blood test, and taking microbiological samples that include cultures and molecular biology techniques at the genital level (penis, vagina, cervix uterus), anal or oral, according to sexual practices. These tests are simple and have a high sensitivity.
Untreated STIs can cause serious and permanent health problems, even if you never have symptoms. Among them, higher risk of transmitting or contracting an HIV infection, inability to get pregnant, complications during pregnancy or increased risk of developing premalignant and malignant lesions, mainly in the cervix in women or anally in the case of anal intercourse in both sexes . A very important risk group is men who have sex with men (MSM) who must undergo periodic studies at this level to prevent anal cancer, especially without suffering from HIV infection.
The first step is to seek treatment, in many of them it is quick and effective; and not having sex until your doctor tells you to. It is also essential, communicate it to your partner or sexual partners. In these cases, the best advice we can give our patients is to be frank and direct with couples. In addition, in some cases, you may have contracted the infection in a previous relationship without even knowing it.
It is important that everyone knows what their situation is. Only in this way can measures be taken to protect oneself and their partners.
Deciding to be sexually active means putting yourself at risk of getting an STI. To protect health it is important to limit the number of sexual partners, insist that the use of condoms should not be negotiable in case of sporadic sexual relations and also gay men, bisexuals and men who have sex with men should know that they have more risk of contracting hepatitis A and B virus infections, and that there are vaccines available against these viruses. In recent years we already have the vaccine against the human papillomavirus (HPV) that is already recommended to women and men, although it would be ideal to receive it before the beginning of sexual relations.
Dr. Arrazola, Tomás
Especialista en Farmacia Hospitalaria
Especializado en terapia contra el cáncer, certificado por la Sociedad Americana de Farmacéuticos de Hospital
Dr. Frieyro Elícegui, Marta
Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology
Dr. Sempere Alcocer, Marco
Clinical test, Microbiology and Parasitology Consultant
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
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