Mamógrafo Tomosíntesis Marbella
Mamógrafo Tomosíntesis Marbella

Diagnostics in gynaecology

ecografía transvaginal

Our priority is to provide an accurate diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment in each case.


To this end, our gynaecologists work with the latest ultrasound systems and in close collaboration with the diagnostic imaging unit and laboratory, both located in the same area of the hospital and equipped with the most advanced technology.




Cytology is a routine test included in your annual gynaecological check-up, it is also known as a Pap smear. This is a simple and quick technique, where cells from the vagina and cervix are gently scraped to obtain the specimen.

The goal of this test is to detect lesions that are precursors of cervical cancer or cervical cancer itself. It also enables the diagnosis of infections and is sometimes used to obtain a hormonal diagnosis.

An abnormal cytology result does not necessarily involve a cancerous lesion, other conditions such as infections, herpes, trichomoniasis, etc. may be the cause. In such cases, treatment or monitoring will be required.

Depending on the scale used, the interpretation of cytology results may be:
Classic Method:

  • Normal
  • Atypical
  • Dysplasia
  • Carcinoma in situ
  • Invasive cancer


A different scale:

  • Normal
  • Atypical
  • Low-grade dysplasia (CIN I)
  • High-grade dysplasia (CIN II/III)
  • Cancer (CIS)


“TBS” classification:

  • ASCUS: Atypical squamous cells of dubious significance
  • LSIL: Low-grade changes or changes due to HPV infection
  • HSIL: High-grade lesion
  • Cancer


Depending on each case, the gynaecologist will assess the potential causes of the abnormality and recommend the most appropriate treatment.

This is a technique performed in the clinic as a complement to cytology and is intended to detect precancerous or cancerous lesions.


Colposcopy involves an amplified inspection, by means of a magnifying microscope, of the cervix, vagina (vaginoscopy), and vulva (vulvoscopy), it is carried out directly and with the use of filters and reagents.

It enables:

  • Identification of suspected lesions found by cytology or direct observation, assessing their location, nature and extension.
  • Performance of a targeted biopsy, preventing blind and unnecessary biopsies.
  • Selection of the correct treatment for precancerous cervical lesions.
ecografía transvaginal

Like cytology, transvaginal ultrasound is a common test included in your annual gynaecological check-up.


Using an ultrasound probe, the female reproductive organs: uterus, cervix, vagina, ovaries, and Fallopian tubes can be fully examined. It allows the diagnosis and monitoring of pathological processes such as myomas, uterine malformations, infections, cysts, tumours, adhesions between the walls of the uterus etc. It can also determine the cause of bleeding or pelvic pain.


Ultrasound is also used when taking biopsies, it enables visualisation of the exact area from which a sample should be taken.


A number of state-of-the-art ultrasound systems are available at HC, offering exceptional image quality, enhanced colour sensitivity and advanced imaging modes.

ecografía obstetricia
Ultrasound scans during pregnancy enable monitoring and detection of various abnormalities, being an essential tool in pregnancy screening. In each pregnancy trimester, the milestones of foetal development and the normal progress of the pregnancy can be established.


We currently use 5D-ultrasound systems, which allow us not only to see the image of the baby in the womb before birth, plus its movements in real time (as in 4D ultrasound), but it also intensifies outlines and establishes tones of shading on the skin, generating more vivid, realistic images. In addition, this technology enables us to more easily eliminate the interference between the probe and the face of the baby, giving a more accurate view, providing clarity and volume, being able to visualize the foetus, placenta and umbilical cord in a very detailed way.


This breakthrough in image quality has not only delivered increased diagnostic capacity, but it has also helped parents to have a reliable image of their child before birth, reinforcing the emotional bond.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is a relatively simple test, well tolerated and with few complications. It provides visualisation of the cervical canal and the uterine cavity, being a key study in the morphological and functional examination of the endometrium.
Hysteroscopy is usually indicated in the following cases:

  • Abnormal bleeding or menstrual disorders
  • Problems with infertility
  • Morphological alterations of the uterine cavity (hyperplasia, myomas, polyps)
  • Removal of scar tissue from the uterus
  • Malformations in the uterus

The procedure is usually carried out as an outpatient and involves inserting the hysteroscope (lens) into the uterus, through the vagina, using a means of distension to separate the walls. A physiological or CO2 solution is also used to expand the uterine cavity. The lens allows direct images to be displayed on a monitor and recorded for further study, if necessary.
Hysteroscopy may use for surgery to perform biopsies, intervene in previously diagnosed pathology, or resect.

A routine, painless test performed at a gynaecological check-up or when the patient’s symptoms require it. This test consists of obtaining a sample of vaginal discharge using a swab, for later viewing under a microscope. It also enable culture of secretions to determine whether and which infection is present.


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Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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