Dr. Hernández Rubiño, Antonio
Jefe del servicio
Especialista en otología
The voice and its disorders are some of the most difficult and delicate conditions to diagnose. That is why otolaryngologists use the newest and best techniques for accurately identify what we are seeing.
This first step is crucial, since a misdiagnosis can result in incorrect or ineffective treatment. In our desire to take care of your voice, we avoid misdiagnosis by having the best diagnostic tools and human resources at our disposal so you can rest assured that you will receive the appropriate care.
Your medical history is the cornerstone of any medical examination. It gives us all the information we need about family risk factors, the emergence and duration of the disorder, and other conditions you may have, all of which guides us to a first approximation of the underlying problem. All the great technical medical solutions at our disposal cannot replace a good clinical history.
Dr. Hernández Rubiño, Antonio
Jefe del servicio
Especialista en otología
Dr. Tenor Serrano, Rafael
Especialista en cabeza y cuello
Apnea del sueño
Dr. Salvatierra Vicario, Belén
Specialist in endoscopic sinus surgery
Dr. Chiti-Batelli, Sandro
Especialista en rinología
Rinoplastia estética y funcional
Dr. Rosas Marqués, Paloma
Audiometrías y pruebas funcionales
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy