Dr. Hernández Rubiño, Antonio
Jefe del servicio
Especialista en otología
An injection of Radiesse, which is calcium hydroxyapatite, or other substances such as hyaluronic acid or fat into vocal fold, is commonly used to correct defects that keep the vocal folds from closing, primarily recurring paralysis, vocal fold atrophy, presbyphonia, or even sulcus. Results are excellent.
It is a short surgery, about 20 minutes long, and the effects are immediate. The only downside is that the use of these substances is temporary, and after a number of months new injections are often required.
Dr. Hernández Rubiño, Antonio
Jefe del servicio
Especialista en otología
Dr. Tenor Serrano, Rafael
Especialista en cabeza y cuello
Apnea del sueño
Dr. Salvatierra Vicario, Belén
Specialist in endoscopic sinus surgery
Dr. Chiti-Batelli, Sandro
Especialista en rinología
Rinoplastia estética y funcional
Dr. Rosas Marqués, Paloma
Audiometrías y pruebas funcionales
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy