Dr. Hernández Rubiño, Antonio
Jefe del servicio
Especialista en otología
Rhinology is the ENT subspeciality studying and treating conditions of the nose, sinuses and skull base.
Among the most frequent are:
Medical consultations for sinusitis are common in both Family Medicine and the ENT Department.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucosa covering the paranasal sinuses (maxillary, ethmoidal, frontal and sphenoid).
Normally there is also inflammation of the nasal passages (rhinitis), we call this rhinosinusitis.
Sinusitis can be classified as acute if it passes in less than three weeks, subacute when it lasts between three weeks and three months, and chronic when it lasts for more than three months.
The most common cause is infection, particularly by the common cold virus.
Any of these results in excess mucus production and inflammation of the mucosa that prevents drainage of mucus to the nostrils, this leads to symptoms such as nasal obstruction, favouring the growth of microorganisms.
They are more common in young and middle-aged adults.
Their origin is in chronic inflammation of the mucosa. For this reason they are related to allergic rhinosinusitis, although sometimes a specific allergy is not detected.
Diagnosis is made in the clinic by examining the nostrils with a camera (fibroscope). A CT scan may be necessary when there are several polyps causing significant obstruction and making this investigation impossible.
Firstly the origin of the polyps must be investigated, to find out whether they are related to any particular allergy.
Medical treatment includes corticosteroids and antihistamine nasal sprays and oral corticosteroids in cases which have not responded to previous treatment. Treatment is long term, with patients often requiring periodic treatment.
When medical treatment is ineffective and the patient does not manage to control the symptoms, surgical treatment will be considered. Surgery involves removing polyps through the nostrils in a camera-guided procedure.
Surgical treatment is not definitive, and polyps may return if there is no good control of the underlying disease with drugs.
Dr. Hernández Rubiño, Antonio
Jefe del servicio
Especialista en otología
Dr. Tenor Serrano, Rafael
Especialista en cabeza y cuello
Apnea del sueño
Dr. Salvatierra Vicario, Belén
Specialist in endoscopic sinus surgery
Dr. Chiti-Batelli, Sandro
Especialista en rinología
Rinoplastia estética y funcional
Dr. Rosas Marqués, Paloma
Audiometrías y pruebas funcionales
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy