Respiratory function tests

función respiratoria

Respiratory function tests assess whether the lungs are functioning correctly.
These tests enable analysis of:

  • Lung capacity, in other words how much air the lungs are able to hold.

  • How air moves from inside to outside the lungs.

  • Whether the right amount of oxygen is reaching the bloodstream.

They are non-invasive tests , most of them are performed as an outpatient.
They are indicated for the diagnosis of chronic lung diseases such as asthma, COPD, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension, among others.


Spirometry is a rapid, painless, non-invasive study that assesses bronchial function, essential in the diagnosis of diseases such as asthma and COPD.
¿Cuándo está indicada?
It is indicated for the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases that affect the lungs and make breathing difficult, these include asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD… amongst others.
It is an indispensable test in people who smoke, those who use chlorine or acids to clean bathrooms and kitchens at home or at work, or those who are exposed to dust, gases or fumes. It is also useful in monitoring the consequences of chronic respiratory disease or for the assessment of lung function prior to surgery in general.

How is it performed?
It is carried out by blowing into a spirometer, an instrument that measures:

  • the amount of air retained by the lungs (volume of air)
  • the rate of inhalation and exhalation during breathing (velocity of air flow).


A bronchodilator test helps to evaluate a patient’s lung function by assessing whether there is an obstruction to the passage of air through the airways and whether there are any changes following the use of a bronchodilator (medication that opens the bronchi).
When is it indicated?
It is mainly indicated for the diagnosis of asthma, since this disease presents a limitation in interpulmonary airflow. In the case of asthma, there will be a marked improvement in the airflow after using bronchodilators.

How is it performed?
Initial spirometry is performed, after which bronchodilator medication is administered usually in an inhaled form, spirometry is then performed again after 20 to 30 minutes. The two results are compared and the response after administration of the drug is assessed.


Blood gas analysis shows us the quantity of gases that are dissolved in the blood (pH, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels…). It informs us whether or not the lungs supply enough oxygen to the blood and whether or not they correctly eliminate carbon dioxide.
¿Cuándo está indicada?
As a diagnostic tool, when respiratory failure is suspected as a result of different conditions such as asthma, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary oedema.
For assessment of response to previous treatment.

How is it performed?
It is a simple outpatient test. The test involves a blood test which is sent for analysis in the laboratory.
Depending on where the sample is taken from, it may be:

  • Venous blood gas: this is performed in the same way as a conventional blood test and shows us the blood pH and bicarbonate levels.
  • Arterial blood gas: a sample of blood is taken from an artery, usually the radial artery in the wrist. This test shows us the amount of oxygen that passes into the blood from the lungs and helps us to assess whether there is any respiratory failure.


Allergies are a chronic problem that affect the immune system. We have an allergy when our immune system reacts to an allergenic component by producing antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE).
Blood allergy tests are used to measure IgE levels, if these levels are high it can be a sign of an allergy. If one is detected, your respiratory medicine specialist will refer you to an allergy specialist who will search for the allergen causing this reaction and treat your allergy.


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