cirugía cataratas Marbella
cirugía cataratas Marbella



As we age, the crystalline lens (the natural lens of the eye that allows us to focus at different distances) loses elasticity and transparency. This ocular circumstance causes blurred vision and difficulty to see clearly, and is what we know as cataract.


Our ophthalmology team excels in the treatment of cataracts, offering state-of-the-art solutions that deliver excellent results and allow for a rapid recovery of vision..



visión borrosa

  • Loss of visual acuity
  • Cloudy or blurred vision
  • Loss of colour intensity, with a predominance of yellowish tones
  • Sometimes, amelioration of eyestrain or presbyopia
  • Sensitivity to light and glare

factores riesgo ojos

Los principales factores de riego son:


  • Diabetes
  • High myopia
  • Age
  • Prolonged corticosteroid treatment
  • Prolonged sun exposure
  • Uveitis
  • Trauma to the eye

cirugía ojo

By means of cataract surgery and using minimally invasive techniques, the deteriorated crystalline lens is replaced by an intraocular lens, which considerably improves the patient’s vision.
This procedure is usually performed under local anaesthesia and patients usually recover quickly, returning to their normal routine in a short period of time.


At HC Marbella, our ophthalmology team offers patients an advanced technique for the treatment of cataracts using monofocal and Premium intraocular lenses, all of which feature the highest quality and are manufactured by leading brands. Although they do not provide a solution for all patients, Premium lenses, in addition to correcting the blurred vision caused by the opacification of the crystalline lens, can correct astigmatism and presbyopia to a great extent, reducing the need to wear glasses for most daily activities.

Benefits of Premium Lenses


  • Improved vision both near and distance, providing sharper vision
  • Correction of astigmatism
  • Improvement of presbyopia or eyestrain

Our ophthalmologists, in collaboration with the patient, will find the most suitable lens that best matches the patient’s ocular circumstances, expectations and preferences.


After Cataract Surgery: What to Do


  • Use of Eye Drops: It is important to use eye drops as prescribed to prevent infection and to help your recovery. Always apply them with clean hands.

  • Rest and Avoid Strenuous Activities: Rest for the first two to three days after surgery. Avoid strenuous activities such as housework or exercise. However, you may do quiet activities such as reading, watching television or using the computer.

  • Use Eye Protection: Use eye shield to help the eye heal. This is especially recommended at night to avoid rubbing your eyes while you sleep, and wear sunglasses when outdoors to protect them from wind, pollen and sunlight.

  • If needed, take pain relievers: Even though cataract surgery is usually painless, it is normal to feel some discomfort after the procedure. Common painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can help relieve any such discomfort.

  • Shower and Bath: You may shower and bathe as usual. Avoid getting water and other irritants such as shampoo or soap in contact with your eye. To clean the operated eye, use saline solution and wipe gently with cotton or a soft gauze pad.



After Cataract Surgery: What Not to Do


  • Do Not Drive Immediately: Due to the anaesthetic drops and mild sedatives used during the procedure, it is advised not to drive immediately after surgery. Having someone else drive you home after the operation is preferable. In addition, you should avoid driving until appropriate vision requirements are met, usually no sooner than three to four days after surgery. This may take longer depending on each case.

  • No Eye Rubbing: Avoid touching your eyes during the initial recovery phase to minimise the risk of infection.

  • Do Not Wear Eye Makeup: Avoid applying makeup around the eye area within the first four weeks after surgery.

  • Avoid Irritants: Wear an eye shield, regular glasses or sunglasses to protect your eyes from irritants such as dust, smoke and pollen, especially when outdoors.

  • Do Not Swim or Use Saunas: Avoid using swimming pools, saunas or hot tubs during the first four to six weeks after surgery to avoid infection.


paciente oftalmólogo

Recovery Time and Return to Work


  • Return to Work: The time to return to work will depend on the nature of your occupation and your recovery. Generally, it is recommended to wait at least 2 weeks before returning to work, although those with more physically demanding jobs or some specific cases may need more time. However, you may be able to return to work earlier if your medical evolution so permits.



Household chores after cataract surgery


  • It is crucial that you take things slowly and do not rush back to activities such as housework. Any activity that involves significant straining, bending over, reaching overhead objects or lifting heavy items should be postponed until after your follow-up appointment. This will help keep eye pressure stable and avoid compromising healing.

  • Tasks such as dusting or using chemical products are not recommended during recovery so as to minimise the risk of infection.
  • You may also be advised to wear an eye shield after surgery, which may lead you to postpone any active tasks at home.


Cooking After Cataract Surgery


  • Cooking may entail activities such as bending over and lifting groceries, as well as the risk of being around potential irritants such as steam and hot oil. It is recommended that these activities be postponed until after the follow-up evaluation.




Exercise After Cataract Surgery


  • During the first few days of recovery, it is best to stick to light exercise and allow your eyes to heal. You may consider moderate walking or meditation, but be sure to avoid dusty environments and protect your eyes with an eye shield, glasses or sunglasses when you are outdoors.

  • More strenuous exercise such as running, cycling, yoga, gym, tennis and golf may affect eye pressure and is therefore preferable to pause them until after your follow-up appointment. Your specialist will advise you when it is safe to resume these activities.

  • It is recommended that you do not swim or use saunas or hot tubs until at least 4 weeks after surgery to minimise the risk of infection and irritation. You may consult your doctor about when to resume water activities after the procedure.


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