Dr. Gismero Moreno, Saturnino
Jefe de servicio
Oftalmólogo especialista en Retina
A precise and accurate diagnosis guarantees the most appropriate choice of treatment for each case.
This is why we are staffed by a team of ophthalmologists with extensive experience in highly complex cases and state-of-the-art technology. Specialised knowledge and cutting-edge technology at the service of your eye health.
The optometrist is a professional who prevents, detects and corrects certain vision problems.
Optometry does not just involve the graduation of eyesight; it also detects existing vision dysfunctions, assesses visual function and the structures of the eye, performs vision and low vision therapy, adapts contact lenses and provides advice on visual hygiene and healthy habits related to eye health.
Structural Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
This is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows examination of the vitreous and its relationship to the inner retinal surface, as well as the various layers of the retina and, in advanced equipment, even the choroid. In clinical terms, this technique is useful for diagnosing and monitoring a wide variety of retinal diseases, as well as glaucoma and certain corneal conditions.
OCT Angiography (OCTA)
Allows non-invasive imaging of the retinal and choroidal microvasculature in a matter of seconds, facilitating the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment planning of eye conditions such as glaucoma or retinal diseases. This technique makes the recommendation of a treatment plan adapted to the specific needs of each patient possible.
Ultra-widefield retinography
Retinographies are images of the back of the eye, obtained quickly and conveniently. They help to perform a complete examination of the retina very simply.
The images can be digitally stored, making it easier to compare the most recent images with previous ones. This is extremely useful for monitoring the evolution of certain pathologies, such as retinal detachment, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, etc.
Ultra-widefield retinography represents a technological evolution with respect to conventional retinography, since it is capable of capturing more extensive images of the retina, making it a much more complete study.
This test, which does not require intravenous contrasts, provides valuable additional information in the diagnosis of diseases that mainly affect the retinal pigment epithelium.
This diagnostic test measures the amplitude of peripheral or lateral vision, with the gaze fixed on a specific point or object, detecting defects in the visual field that may be related to lesions of the optic nerve or the retina. It is especially indicated for the diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma or other diseases that affect the optic pathways or the retina.
Corneal topography allows us to examine the structure of the cornea in a minimally invasive way, providing information about its shape, curvature and thickness. Not only is it used as a diagnostic tool, but also as a preoperative and follow-up test in certain surgeries. It is very useful for corneal dystrophies or for calculating intraocular lenses in cataract surgery.
Biometry allows us to accurately determine the dimensions of the eyeball, indicating parameters such as:
This is a common test in cataract or refractive surgery patients.
There are two techniques for ocular biometry:
Optical biometry
This is the most common one, and the calculation of the distances of the ocular structures is performed using infrared light that passes through them. HC features the Argos biometer by Alcon, which takes optical biometry to a higher level and allows our team to deliver the best surgical results.
Ultrasound biometry
It is usually used when, due to severe haemorrhage, loss of transparency of the cornea or pronounced opacity of the crystalline lens, the penetration of infrared light is not feasible. In this case, ocular structures are measured using ultrasound.
This is a painless test that uses a specular microscope to determine the number, shape and size of the cells of the endothelial tissue of the cornea. Over time, or due to pathological or surgical causes, this tissue is altered and the number of cells decreases.
Normally, this test is used in the preoperative phase of cataract surgery or for the diagnosis and monitoring of corneal degenerations.
Pachymetry is a diagnostic test that measures corneal thickness using ultrasound. It can also be measured with optical coherence tomography (OCT).
It is a simple test that lasts 5 minutes and may require analgesic eye drops in cases where the equipment must come into contact with the ocular surface to perform the measurement. In HC this will not be necessary due to the technology used.
Before certain surgeries, such as glaucoma or cataract surgery, it is important to know the thickness of the patient’s cornea. In addition, it is also decisive in the follow-up of certain corneal pathologies or glaucoma.
Biomicroscopy of the anterior and posterior poles. This test consists of a physical examination with equipment that acts as a microscope. It is performed by the ophthalmologist him/herself in the consultation room.
Dr. Gismero Moreno, Saturnino
Jefe de servicio
Oftalmólogo especialista en Retina
Dr. Alberte González, Antonio
Especialista en Glaucoma
Dr. Flores Márquez, Ana
Oftalmóloga especialista en retina médica
Dr. Álvarez López, Alejandro
Cirugía oculoplástica y orbitaria
Partal, Carlos
Óptico y optometrista clínico
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy