Dr. Gismero Moreno, Saturnino
Jefe de servicio
Oftalmólogo especialista en Retina
Practically 100% of the population suffers from presbyopia or eyestrain by the age of 40-45. Patients with hyperopia may develop it at an earlier age.
With the passage of time, the crystalline lens loses elasticity and the ciliary muscle, which contracts to allow it to become more spherical to increase its power and focus up close, loses efficiency in this function. As a result, the person loses the ability to accommodate – the ability of the lens to focus clearly on objects at different distances – and it becomes more difficult to see clearly up close.
Presbyopia is progressive as the elasticity of the lens decreases and it gradually worsens, potentially compromising intermediate vision. Normally, by the age of 60, the prescription stabilises.
The main risk factor for presbyopia is age and there is nothing we can do to prevent it; it is a normal process associated with ageing. We have already mentioned that it occurs earlier in patients with hyperopia, mainly due to optometric reasons.
We will perform a personalised assessment of the patient, combined with an ophthalmological examination to determine his or her situation and determine the most appropriate treatment.
Nearsighted glasses are the simplest and most suitable option to alleviate eyestrain, however, there are other alternatives as well. A careful assessment of the patient’s needs, expectations and circumstances is essential.
If patients are good candidates due to their characteristics, intraocular lenses are a viable surgical solution that can solve other refractive defects such as myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism. If patients are good candidates due to their characteristics, intraocular lenses are a viable surgical solution that can solve other refractive defects such as myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism. However, it is important to underline that each case must be examined individually to determine the best approach and whether the treatment is advisable or not. Today, there is no lens that can match the quality of vision of the human crystalline lens, although it is also a fact that we can offer high quality solutions, always after a thorough assessment.
Intraocular lens surgery is similar to cataract surgery, this means that the damaged crystalline lens is removed and replaced by the intraocular lens, which then takes over its function. There are different types of intraocular lenses, and we will select the most suitable one according to the situation and expectations of each patient.
Dr. Gismero Moreno, Saturnino
Jefe de servicio
Oftalmólogo especialista en Retina
Dr. Alberte González, Antonio
Especialista en Glaucoma
Dr. Flores Márquez, Ana
Oftalmóloga especialista en retina médica
Dr. Álvarez López, Alejandro
Cirugía oculoplástica y orbitaria
Partal, Carlos
Óptico y optometrista clínico
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
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