Oftalmología Marbella
Oftalmología Marbella

Posterior vitreous detachment

desprendimiento de vítreo posterior

Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is a common eye condition, especially in people over the age of 50, in which the vitreous humour, a gel-like substance that fills the inside of the eye, separates from the retina. This process is a natural part of aging, but in some cases, it can lead to complications, such as retinal tears or detachment.


At HC Marbella, we offer an advanced ophthalmological service for the diagnosis and treatment of this condition, ensuring a comprehensive management of your eye health.



moscas volantes

Symptoms of PVD may vary, but the most common include:


  • Sudden appearance of floaters (small spots or threads in the field of vision).
  • Perception of flashes of light or photopsias, especially in dark environments.
  • Sensation of a shadow or veil affecting part of the visual field.
  • Blurred or fluctuating vision.


If these symptoms occur, it is important to see an ophthalmologist, as they may be indicative of serious complications.

factores de riesgo oculares

PVD is associated with a number of factors, some of which include:


  • Age: More common in people over the age of 50.
  • High myopia: Myopic people are more predisposed to it.
  • Ocular trauma: blows to the eye can precipitate detachment.
  • Previous ocular surgeries: Such as cataract removal.
  • Ocular inflammations: Uveitis or intraocular infections.

Vitrectomía Pars Plana

Posterior vitreous detachment itself does not require treatment if there are no complications. However, preventive and follow-up measures should be taken:


  • Follow-up revisions indicated by your ophthalmologist based on exploratory findings.
  • In case of complications, the following procedures may be required:
  • Laser photocoagulation to treat tears.
  • Vitrectomy, if there are vitreous haemorrhages or significant traction on the retina.



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+34 609 148 799

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