Dr. Gismero Moreno, Saturnino
Jefe de servicio
Oftalmólogo especialista en Retina
Macular epiretinal membrane (also known as macular pucker) is a thin layer of fibrous tissue that forms on the surface of the macula, which is the central part of the retina responsible for producing sharp, detailed vision. This condition can disrupt central vision, making objects appear distorted or blurred, and in some cases, it may hinder activities such as reading or recognizing faces.
Most epiretinal membranes are benign and progress slowly, but in more severe cases they may require surgical treatment.
Macular epiretinal membrane is a treatable condition so, with early diagnosis and proper management, the quality of life of patients can be significantly improved. At HC Marbella, we rely on retina specialists and state-of-the-art technology to offer an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatments according to each patient’s needs.
ymptoms of macular epiretinal membrane may include:
Although it can appear spontaneously, there are factors that increase the risk of developing a macular epiretinal membrane:
Diagnosis of macular epiretinal membrane is based on the following:
OCT is particularly useful for treatment planning and evolution monitoring.
Treatment depends on the severity of symptoms and the impact on the quality of life of the patient:
Dr. Gismero Moreno, Saturnino
Jefe de servicio
Oftalmólogo especialista en Retina
Dr. Alberte González, Antonio
Especialista en Glaucoma
Dr. Flores Márquez, Ana
Oftalmóloga especialista en retina médica
Dr. Álvarez López, Alejandro
Cirugía oculoplástica y orbitaria
Partal, Carlos
Óptico y optometrista clínico
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy