oftalmólogos Marbella
oftalmólogos Marbella

Retinal vascular occlusions

obstrucciones vasculares de retina

Retinal vascular occlusions are conditions that occur when blood flow is blocked in the arteries or veins that nourish the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. These blockages can cause sudden and significant vision loss, and their severity depends on the location and extent of the blockage.


The main types are:

  • Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) or of its branches.
  • Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) or of its branches.


Both conditions are ophthalmologic emergencies that require immediate medical attention to minimize visual impairment. Arterial occlusion triggers the Code Stroke, a protocol designed to prevent serious complications, such as cerebrovascular accidents.


At HC Marbella, our team specialized in retina uses the latest technologies and advanced protocols based on the most updated clinical guidelines to offer a comprehensive and personalised management.



visión borrosa

Symptoms vary depending on the type of obstruction, but they generally include:

  • Sudden partial or complete loss of vision in one eye.
  • Blurred or distorted vision.
  • Dark spots or blind spots in the visual field (scotomas).


The severity of symptoms depends on whether the blockage affects the central artery or vein or its branches.

factores riesgo ojos

Retinal vascular occlusions are associated with a number of medical conditions and lifestyles, including:


  • High blood pressure and diabetes mellitus.
  • High cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.
  • Smoking: This significantly increases the risk of blockages.
  • Coagulation disorders or use of oral contraceptives.
  • Advanced age: This condition is more common in people over the age of 50.


Prevention of these risk conditions is key to reducing the likelihood of developing vascular blockages.

inyección intravítrea

 Treatment varies according to the type of occlusion and severity of symptoms:

Venous occlusion


In the occurrence of macular oedema, treatment with anti-VEGF drugs may be effective. In cases where hypoxia causes neovessels to form in the retina or iris, Argon laser treatment of the retina may be required.


Arterial occlusion


Treatment should be initiated within the first few hours of evolution, since, as it involves a lack of oxygen to the retina, the chances of recovery decrease significantly after the first 6 hours.



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