cirugía traumatología
cirugía traumatología

Hip Unit Test


For an active, pain-free life

The hip joint is one of the largest joints in the body. It carries the entire body weight during walking but has to endure much higher forces during running, jumping or lifting.


The hip is a spherical ball and socket joint made up of the femoral head (ball) and the acetabulum (socket). The ball and socket is lined with very smooth hyaline cartilage. The cartilage permits sliding of the joint surfaces with almost no friction. The joint cartilage also dissipates peak loads across the joint and acts as a kind of shock absorber.


cadera con artrosis

Osteoarthritis of the hip

It is wear and tear of this cartilage that leads to the development of osteoarthritis. The cartilage wear can be initiated by excessive use at work or sport, injury, disease and or chronic overload due to obesity. Familial predisposition to osteoarthritis also plays an important role.


Patients typically feel pain in the groin sometimes with radiation into the front of the thigh, experience stiffness of the affected hip, can no longer walk far and struggle to bend down, cross their leg or reach their feet. As a result people with advanced hip osteoarthritis are at times unable to run their own household and lose their independence.



reemplazo cadera

When painkillers, anti-inflammatory meds, injections, physiotherapy and crutches fail to adequately settle the pain of hip osteoarthritis then hip replacement is the intervention of choice.


Hip replacement surgery is routine surgery, with predictably good clinical outcomes. Patients usually become pain free, recover their mobility and independence.


During surgery the femoral head and the damaged joint surface of the socket are removed and replaced with a total hip implant. Implant designs, fixation and joint bearings have changed over time. Latest generation implants last ever longer and withstand higher usage. The National Joint Registries are a good source of information about individual implant performance. HC Marbella uses the best performing implants for its patients.

consulta traumatólogo

Dr Boerger uses calibrated digital x-ray images of the hips and computer based planning software to match the patient’s hip with the best fitting implant that recreates the individual hip geometry so that leg length, offset and center of rotation are matching. Dr Boerger has introduced robotic assisted knee surgery at HC International Hospital and will be applying robotics to hip replacement surgery in the future.


As a result of software assisted planning Dr Boerger knows which hip implant shape and size to use before the surgery. This invariably leads to a smoother and quicker operation minimizing unexpected events. Patients can be reassured that everything is done to match their hip with the best fitting hip implant.

cirugía cadera Marbella

To minimize the risks of joint replacement surgery, patients are thoroughly assessed well in advance of surgery. The aim is to identify and optimize any existing medical condition such as anemia, diabetes, heart disease and kidney failure, but also to identify and treat carriers of MRSA and MSSA. Urinary tract infections, skin conditions and gum infections are considered for treatment as well.


When it comes to surgery Dr Boerger and his team wear space suits, operate under a lamina flow canopy and use the latest available antiseptic skin preparation. Large patients and those with predictable skin healing problems receive suction dressings (PICO, Smith& Nephew) after surgery. The surgeon and his team follow the recommendations of the international consensus group on minimizing prosthetic joint infection.


Smoking is the single biggest avoidable risk factor for wound healing problems, infection and blood clot formation. Smokers must stop 6 weeks before and for 6 weeks after surgery. Detox advice and therapy can be provided at HC International.

fisioterapia cadera

The patient journey typically begins with a consultation with Dr Boerger, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Joint Replacement Specialist. He will listen to your particular problem, take a history and examine you. Relevant x-ray imaging can be obtained there and then to complement the assessment. Dr Boerger will be able to set out a treatment plan and if this involves hip replacement he will be able to template your hip for replacement in your presence. If surgery is suggested, Dr Boerger will discuss alternatives to surgery, expected outcomes of surgery and time to full rehabilitation including to possible need for physiotherapy. Dr Boerger always informs his patients about potential risks and known complications of the proposed surgery. All patients will receive a detailed clinic letter within the next 2 days. Patients are never rushed into surgery. Dr Boerger happily meets again to discuss any queries or concerns.


HC International Hospital will provide an all-inclusive quotation for the suggested treatment upon request and can help with Insurance matters.


Once a decision to proceed with surgery has been made, the patient coordinator will be able to discuss suitable dates for pre-assessment, surgery and follow-up.


Precise instructions will be provided during pre-assessment regarding fasting, taking medication and safe mobility at home etc.



Smokers must STOP SMOKING for 6 WEEKS, both before and after surgery.


MRSA and MSSA carriers will be offered skin de-colonisation with body washes and nose ointment until repeated test results are negative


The anaesthetic review will be scheduled for the day of pre-assessment. In light of blood results and ECG the anaethetist will discuss the most appropriate anaesthetic for each patient. The gold standard for joint replacement is a spinal anaesthetic with a variable degree of sedation.


The Physiotherapist will see you on the pre-assessment day. Crutches will be adjusted for patient size and instructions given on how to use these safely. Trainers are far safer than slippers.


Anticoagulation is required for 6 weeks after surgery. Hip and total knee replacement patients require 2 weeks of injected anticoagulation followed by Aspirin for another 4 weeks.


Blood transfusion with joint replacement has become exceedingly rare. However, all patients are routinely cross-matched prior to surgery and correct blood is available at HC during surgery.

hospital traumatología


Most joint replacement patients remain in hospital for 3 or 4 days. Younger patients sometimes leave after 1 or 2 days. Older patients often choose to stay longer to take advantage of regular physiotherapy and nursing care until feeling ready to return to their own home.


The success of your surgery also depends on how you follow your surgeon’s instructions during the first postoperative weeks. Follow-up visits will be scheduled to check on your progress.
Some patients need to carry out exercises both with physiotherapy support and at home.


Most patients will use one or two crutches for about 6 weeks. Mobility rapidly improves and often returns to normal by 3-6 months. It takes 6-12 months for a hip replacement to ‘settle in’. Once independently mobile patients can drive.



Dr. Boerger

Hip Unit

Pioneers in orthopaedic surgery in Andalusia.
Highest surgical precision for an active, pain-free life.


Unique plan, tailor-made for each patient.


Promoting one-stage surgery.
3 Tesla MRI, 64 X 2 CT, Imaging studies using AI.


Speedier recovery.
Specialist Physiotherapy Unit.

Orthopaedic consultants

Dr. Baczynski, Kamil
Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology
Special interest in Sports Injuries, Hip and Knee surgery

Orthopaedic Videos

Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799

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951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
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951829947 Physiotherapy




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