tomesintesis mamaria
tomesintesis mamaria

Breast Tomosynthesis, 3D Mammography

Tomosynthesis Mammomat Inspiration

Breast tomosynthesis, or 3D mammography, enables detection of 40% more cases of invasive breast cancer.

It reduces the number of biopsies and further investigations for patients.


Stereotactic guided biopsy. Vertical stereotaxy is the quickest, most efficient and minimally-invasive way of obtaining a reliable diagnostic result of breast pathology only visible on mammography imaging.


Tomosíntesis Mamógrafo

What is it?

Performed at the same time as normal mammography, tomosynthesis (3D mammography) consists of volume reconstruction of slices of the breast, like a very thin (1 mm) slice scanner, with the aim of preventing overlapping of tissue.


Mamografía 3D Marbella

How does it work?

It is similar to a breast CT. Instead of acquiring four X-ray images, which are the usual projections obtained in a mammogram, there are a determined set of slices, the number of which is proportional to the thickness of the compressed breast. These enable the discovery of possible smaller lesions, difficult to detect in conventional mammography, but which are clearly visible in the reconstructed volume of the breast, with no overlapping of the different structures.


Externally, the equipment which acquires tomosynthesis images is similar to mammography, although with one significant difference, it has a tube head which is not static (unlike traditional mammography) but which rotates around the breast, taking images whilst moving around in an arc.


Read about tomosynthesis

Tomosynthesis versus conventional mammography

Tomosíntesis y mamografía

  • Tomosynthesis increases:
    Sensitivity (detecting up to 43% more cancers at an early stage).
    Specificity (it is easier for the radiologist to determine whether the pathology seen is breast cancer).

  • Less discomfort, many women find it less uncomfortable than traditional mammography. Less time is required to compress the breast, which makes it more comfortable for the patient.

  • Better manipulation of the breast images, our experts can detect breast cancer more accurately.

  • Better contrast. Our radiologists can modify the contrast and the brightness so that the smallest and most subtle variation in the breast can be seen more easily. This makes detection of neoplasia possible with greater accuracy.

  • Improved image quality. This type of mammography can be used in women between the age of 40 and 50, and in women approaching the menopause, who have denser breast tissue than older or post-menopausal women.

  • It reduces the number of biopsies and further investigations for the patient.

  • It makes it possible to select the appropriate dose of radiation in each case.



“The reconstructed volume of these images delivers higher sensitivity, which is associated with more effective detection of any breast pathology.”


“The reduced sensitivity of conventional mammography in the dense breast is related to the characteristics of the 2D technique. As it is a two-dimensional image, it is more difficult to detect lesions suspicious for malignancy, or it can falsely create suspicious images.”


“Previously it was very common to observe a lesion, and not be able to clearly determine whether the image was poorly defined due to superposition of tissue, or due to presence of a real underlying lesion. The solution was to compress the breast in this region and perform a further magnified projection in this area, with the intention of seeing if the superposition disappears or not. With the images obtained using tomosynthesis, we have managed to eliminate this problem in the majority of cases.”


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