radióloga mama Marbella
radióloga mama Marbella

Breast Biopsy

Interventional radiology and sentinel node biopsy


biopsia de mama

Breast biopsy

Breast biopsy is an interventional technique where samples of the lesion are removed and studied in the pathology laboratory to tell us exactly what type of lesion it is.


Biopsies may be performed at the time of surgery (such as sentinel node biopsy) or using image-guided puncture by the interventional radiologist on an outpatient basis.



  • A simple procedure that can be performed on palpable lesions as an outpatient.



  • Menos precisa que la biopsia con aguja gruesa (BAG)
  • Quizá no ofrezca información completa sobre el tumor.
  • No puede distinguir entre el cáncer no invasivo y el cáncer invasivo.

This can be performed using ultrasound, stereotaxy, or magnetic resonance.



  • We used a core needle biopsy to obtain tissue samples larger than those obtained with FNA.
  • This method allows suspicious areas that can be seen on mammography, ultrasound, or MRI, but that are too small to be felt, to be diagnosed.
  • The technique used depends on what the cells or tissue look like and what will create the best image of them.



  • Preferred method for sampling breast lesions.
  • Enables a faster diagnosis.
  • In some cases, it may prevent a surgical biopsy.



  • It requires the use of a local anaesthetic to numb the area and a larger hollow needle to remove a cylinder of tissue.
  • Some women may require further surgical biopsy.
  • Biopsy can be done via ultrasound or stereotaxy.
  • It is most frequently performed using ultrasound, that is, it is the ultrasound system that guides us to where to obtain the biopsy.
  • In the case of stereotaxy, a biopsy is obtained using mammography and is usually used in the case of microcalcifications. The difference with ultrasound is that the guide enables us to access the lesion.
  • Stereotaxy is a technique that enables us to see the three-dimensional location of a structure within the breast tissue, especially of microcalcifications and also of all suspicious asymmetries or small nodules that require biopsy, but which are not visible on ultrasound.

  • It is used in conjunction with digital mammography and built into a computerized system, enabling the precise location of lesions to be calculated in all three dimensions. When using radiography only, the system is limited to the visualisation and biopsy of lesions visible by digital mammography only.

  • Microcalcifications are not usually characterized by ultrasound, only those which are very abundant, large or associated with a particular structure such as a nodule or a cyst can usually be seen.

  • It should be noted that about 20-25% of breast malignancy presents only as microcalcifications.

  • It is a less invasive technique than surgical biopsy and leaves a very small or no scar.

  • At HC Marbella we are able to perform biopsies using

The sentinel node is the first lymph node to which cancer cells are most likely to spread from a primary tumour.



  • Sentinel node biopsy is a procedure in which the sentinel lymph node is identified, removed, and examined for cancer cells.
  • A negative result means that the cancer has not acquired the ability to spread to nearby lymph nodes or other organs. On the other hand, a positive result indicates that cancer is present in the sentinel node and may be found in other nearby lymph nodes and possibly other organs.
  • This information can help the doctor determine the stage of the cancer (the extent of the disease in the body) and thus develop an appropriate treatment plan.


How is a sentinel node biopsy performed?:

  • A radioactive substance or blue dye is injected near the tumour to locate the position of the sentinel lymph node. A device detects radioactivity or looks for stained lymph tissues and locates the sentinel node. After that, the surgeon makes a small incision in the skin tissue that covers the node and removes it.
  • A pathologist then examines the specimen for cancer cells.



  • It helps doctors to determine the stage of cancer.
  • It calculates the risk of the tumour cells.
  • It prevents more extensive surgery.



Dr. Arrazola, Tomás
Especialista en Farmacia Hospitalaria
Especializado en terapia contra el cáncer, certificado por la Sociedad Americana de Farmacéuticos de Hospital

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