Aimed at all men
- Medical consultation
- Blood tests according to patient need
- Urological ultrasound
- Urinary flow rate test
- Prostate ultrasound
- CT Urogram (optional)
- Men over the age of 45
- Men with a family history of prostate problems
- Men with urinary symptoms (decreased urinary flow or urinary frequency)
- We are able to provide multiparametric MRI of the prostate
General internal medicine specialists, with extensive experience, dedicated to the Health Check Unit.
Specialists in different medical disciplines: urologists, gynaecologists, pulmonologists, cardiologists, etc.
Diagnostic Imaging Unit equipped with 3T MRI, Tomosynthesis Mammography, 64X2 slice CT, PET-CT …
Own laboratory enabling delivery of results almost immediately.
Dr. Morales Pinto, Stalin Fabricio
Especialista en Urología
Dr. Antuña Calle, Francisco Manuel
Especialista en Urología
Dr. Fernández Montero, José Manuel
Especialista en Urología
Dr. Hughes, Paul
Especialista en Urología
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy